The science of sound
Physics of Sound
Science has described in detail how resonance works at many different levels. Everything has a resonant frequency that it naturally vibrates at. Everything! Resonance happens when a strong vibration causes something else to vibrate. This strong vibration can be in tune with nature – or not. Resonance is the key to using sound to make changes in your life and it is completely based on science. Science has even explained resonance at the quantum level, which is now beginning to explain our connections to each other as spiritual beings. It particularly explains how intention works. In the classes we go into detail on the 7 laws of resonance so you can explain what is really happening to the non-believers.
We can measure the resonant frequency of any physical matter and scientifically find its resonant frequency. The only problem is sometimes this procedure is too invasive on the body.
Physical Healing
We know how sound vibrates atoms and molecules. We know that when you vibrate something at its resonant frequency it actually receives energy. When you turn up the volume you can explode cells… similar to breaking a wine glass.
Brainwave Entrainment
It has been proven in many experiments using EEG that our brains entrain to any frequency that matches various brainwave states (alpha, theta, delta, etc.). Research also indisputably shows that when listening to headphones these binaural beat frequencies synchronize the left and right brain. This is major. Most people rarely have the left and right brain synchronized throughout the day. There is now research showing that you can entrain the brain into high states of meditation by creating brainwave maps that match high level meditators.
The books by Lynne McTaggart, “The Field” and “The Intention Experiments” explain in detail the serious scientific experiments that have been done that clearly prove that intention really works. Of course, there is also the work of Dr. Emoto that shows how intention affects the way that water freezes. Positive intentions create beautiful snowflake-like patterns. Negative intentions create ugly mush patterns.