The Full Moon singing bowl gets its name because of the way it is made under the direct light of a fully exposed moon, only during clear full moon nights when there is less wind and a peaceful atmosphere.In case the full moon night turns cloudy, the work is slated for the coming month.
Essentially, it is a combination of finest craftsmanship, and a high-grade alloy formula blended with the idea of tapping into the light of the full moon that makes this bowl the most sought-after singing bowl therapy tool in the present times.
The Full Moon singing bowl is light and reverberates a rich texture of deep sound and strong vibration that notably lasts for a long period at a constant pitch. It is an important factor for a singing bowl therapist as it gives them total control of the resonance and vibration for a highly effective therapy.
The workers who handcraft this bowl start the evening by mentally and physically preparing for the task ahead. They create an environment where they find calm and peace. The workers cut their nails, take a bath, wash their hands, wear fresh clothes, and sit relaxed together. When everyone is ready, they burn incense, conduct a small prayer in honor of their tutelary deity, the god of metalwork, the metals, the tools, the moon, cosmos and sit quietly for some time.
As the moon rises and starts to move swiftly from across the eastern horizon, the workers would have fired up the furnace and begun heating the alloy mix. The cosmic rhythm of our planet and its moon ,the elemental rhythm of the boiling metals and the meticulous rhythm of the sweaty workers who pullout the cauldron of red-hot liquid alloy from the furnace and pour it out on in small portions to constantly hammer it into a bowl shape--all this infuses together in the process.
A simple metallic bowl it may be, but you can imagine the weight and connectivity this bowl you hold in your hand carries--it is beyond comprehension.